The address is given as 17 St Marys Square in 1936 and 1939 directories. The Britannia was actually referred to the compensation authority for closure in February 1919 but traded for at least another twenty years.

The Britannia was a brick built building, which was eventually demolished in the redevelopment of the Westgate Street area. Probably the last licensee of the Britannia was Sid Smart, the international and county rugby player. The inn contained a display of trophies that had been awarded to Sid during his sporting career.

Gloucester City Corporation was keen to purchase the Britannia Inn for street improvement purposes in 1953. The Stroud Brewery agreed to close down the Brittania Inn on the understanding that the license could be transferred to their new premises in Podsmead – the Jet and Whittle Inn.

St Marys Square today. Austere modern architecture in the shadow of the magnificent Gloucester Cathedral.

This fascinating comparison of then and now by Geoff Dyer is from the same viewpoint. The yellow dot to the bottom right is the focus point.

Landlords at the Britannia Inn include:

1879 William Sheppard

1893 W.M. Miller

1906 W. Miller

1936,1939 A.O.J. Couldrey

? Sidney Smart (International and county rugby player)

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