The Bridge Inn was tied to Ind Coope & Co. of Burton on Trent over one hundred years ago. It is possible that the Burton brewers obtained the property when they purchased the Northgate Brewery of A.V. Hatton & Co. The Bridge might have previously been a Hatton’s tied house.

The Bridge Inn was the first licensed house as anyone came into the city from the west and ‘was a house where anyone could put up who did not want to drive over the tramlines.’ The compensation authority heard that: ‘closure would inconvenience country people driving into the town with young horses which could not stand the trams.’

Landlords at the Bridge Inn include:

1879 Elizabeth Woolf

1893 F. Selwyn

1902 Robert Hook

1906 Julius Baumann

1907 C. Hancock

1919 Frank R. Selwyn

1927 Mrs Matilda Williams

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