Some confusion here because a reference of 1871 states that ‘the Brewers Arms had been closed for some time’ (Gloucester Journal 30th September 1871). This is backed up by a reference in the Gloucestershire Chronicle of 1870 which states that ‘no application was made (for the renewal of the license) to the Brewers Arms. Now closed.’

However, it is mentioned in the 1906 Kellys directory. In that year it was referred to the compensation authority for closure. In 1906 it was owned by Ind Coope & Co. of Burton. A report in the Gloucester Citizen dated 12th March said that ‘there were seven other licences within 100 yards. No back premises at all and the tap room was also used as the living room. The sanitary convenience for the public was in the cellar.’

The Brewers Arms closed in June 1907.


1906 Mrs H. Manley

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