The Gloucester Journal reported in 1905 (17th June) that “during recent years there had been extensive alterations… The licensee also kept a grocers shop adjoining the public house”. The Brave Old Oak was on the southern side of Tewkesbury Road “in the neighbourhood of the gas works”. It was demolished many years ago.
Gloucestershire Echo, Saturday 9th February 1884 – To Let: The “Brave Old Oak Inn” (entirely rebuilt), well situated in Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham. Apply to Godsell and Sons, Brewers, Stroud.
The annual rateable value of the licensed beer house was £16.0s.0d. in 1891 and 1903.
Landlords at the Brave Old Oak include:
1870 Henry Jordan
1878 James Selwood
1891,1903 George Miller