The 17th century Black Horse is in the village of Cranham, tucked away up a lane.

There has been a Black Horse pub at Cranham since the beginning of the 18th century but two different properties are involved. The original Black Horse became known as the Potters Arms around 1835-1855. It was situated on the main village road opposite the village hall and is now part of the property called the Old House.

Courtesy Michael Wilkes
Courtesy Michael Wilkes
David Job behind the bar in 2002.

The present day Black Horse was originally two cottages. The famous composer Gustav Holst (Planets Suite) occasionally stayed in Midwinter Cottage opposite the pub.

This page will be updated with additional information.

Map Reference: SO 895130

Licensing Details:

Rateable Value in 1891: £10.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse

Owner in 1891: Samuel Atkins (leased Godsell & Sons, Salmon Springs Brewery, Stroud)

Rateable Value in 1903: £10.10s.0d.

Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse

Owner in 1903: Samuel Atkins (free from brewery tie)

Closing time in 1903:

Landlords at the Black Horse include:

1841 Robert Atkins

1850-1856 Elizabeth Shilliman

1856-1861 George Turton

1861-1870 Robert Tuffly

1870-1881 Thomas Edmunds

1881-1885 Elizabeth Willis

1885,1891 John and Louise Hulbert

1895 Henry Pinching Taylor

1902,1906 Samuel Atkins

1908 Thomas Middlecote

1919 Richard Pearce

1920,1927 Hy. S. Clash

1950 Roly and Flora Meredith

1965 John Poyner

1975 Ray and Sybil Tortonese

1986 –2009 David and Julie Job

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