The Black Bear has enjoyed a long association with the Donnington Brewery.

Parts of the Cotswold stone building date back 300 years. The pub is said to be haunted with an active poltergeist, by whom the locals know as Fred.

Image: Gloucestershire Echo

Map Reference: SP 205325

This page will be updated with additional information.

Licensing Details:

Owner in 1782: William Howard

Owner in 1891: Richard Iles Arkell, Donnington Brewery

Rateable value in 1891: £20.0s.0d.

Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse

Owner in 1903: Richard Iles Arkell, Donnington Brewery

Rateable value in 1903: £26.6s.8d.

Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse

Closing time in 1903: 11pm

Landlords at the Black Bear include:

1775,1792 John Luckett (married in 1775, John Luckett died in 1817)

1824 George Luckett (son of John. died in 1824, profession Innkeeper – at Black Bear?)

1856 James Newman

1870 James Newman (jnr) – (died in 1870)

1871 Mary Newman

1881 Edward Shepard

1885 Robert Stanley

1891 Isaac Union

1903,1906 Mrs Mary Union

1919 Henry Golding

1927 Isaac Harris

2007 Jim Steele

2008 Kate Sheehan

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