The Bell Inn was tied to the Stow Brewery. The occupier in 1891 was Henry Lowther Barker, proprietor of the brewery. An advertisement in 1901 read: ‘Bell Inn, Park Street, Stow. Wines and spirits, ales and stout of the best quality. Every accommodation for commercial, cyclists, tourists and visitors, with every home comfort. Terms strictly moderate. Most pleasantly situated. H.C. Allen, proprietor’.
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Licensing Details:
Owner in 1891: Tied to Henry Lowther Barker
Rateable value in 1891: £14.10s.0d.
Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse
Owner in 1903: Edward Augustus Green, Stow Brewery
Rateable value in 1903: £16.0s.0d.
Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse
Closing time in 1903: 11pm
Landlords at the Bell Inn include:
1856 G. Dowman
1885 C.J. Bartlett
1891 Henry Lowther Barker
1902 Henry Charles Allen
1903,1906 John Cleveley
1919 John Timms Martin
1927 Albert Victor Sandle
1997 (May) Mr Arthurs
2004 Amy Keyte and Kate Johnston