Listed in the 1891 and 1903 petty sessional divisional records as having ‘no name’

The Beeches Inn was located in the middle of the three Cotswold stone cottages on the corner of London Road and Beeches Road. The Beeches Inn is sometimes known as the Cradle & Coffin.

Mrs Meriel Lock is also listed in the 1889 directory as a Haulier.

It might have taken its name from the ‘Beeches’, the large house now known as the Phoenix Centre – formerly the Beeches Community Centre. The ‘Beeches’ was once the home of Thomas Sewell, a leading Cirencester Solicitor.

Licensing Details:

Owner in 1891:  T.W.C. Master, Esq. (leased to the Cirencester Brewery)

Rateable Value in 1891: £11.5s.0d.

Type of license in 1891: Beerhouse

Owner in 1903: Col Chester Master Esq., (leased to the Cirencester Brewery)

Rateable Value in 1903: £11.5s.0d.

Type of license in 1903: Beerhouse

Closing time in 1903: 11pm


1891, 1910 Meriel Lock (Mrs Meriel Lock in 1910)

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