In 1870 this premises traded under the name of Bartholomew and Ellis – Grocers, Wine and Spirit Merchants. An intriguing and amusing advertisement of the time read:
“We wish to call attention to a new candle, The Cheltenham Sperm. One shilling per one pound or 11s. per dozen, which we will now be bringing out. They are equal in appearance to the best sperm and will burn quite as long, and give more light, and if compared with composites they will be found as cheap, much better in appearance, and will give out 33% more light. One pound of the best composites, six to the pound, will burn for 45 hours. One pound of the Cheltenham Sperm the same size will burn for 54 hours.”
John Stephens Bartholomew was the owner of this establishment in 1891 and 1903. It had a significant annual rateable value of £102.0s.0d. The premise licence was for a grocer’s shop opening for just six days a week, presumably closed on the Sabbath (Sundays). Closing time, in common with all other licensed premises, was 11 pm. There was no brewery tie.
A 1926 reference is to Mr A.S. Bartholomew ‘wines, ales, cider, mineral waters and grocery.’ In 1955 the business was being conducted by John Dobell & Bartholomew.
The establishment was situated at 419-420 (original numbering sequence) and was almost opposite Grosvenor Street near the junction with Bath Road. Upon renumbering the address became 64-66 High Street. The building was recently occupied by Cult Clothing, the fashion store founded by Julian Dunkerton. 66 High Street is now Black Gold independent coffee shop.