Barnsley House is the former home of the late gardening guru Rosemary Verey. The gardens of Barnsley House attracted thousands of visitors a year. Following Mrs Verey’s death in 2001 at the age of 82 the house was put on the market. Local businessmen Tim Haigh and Rupert Pendered, owners of the Village pub, acquired the house and the Barnsley House Hotel opened for business in 2003. The emphasis is on luxury and indulgence. Barnsley House was named as one of the most desirable hotels in the world by in 2004 by upmarket magazine, Conde Nast Traveller. An overnight stay in the nine bed roomed luxury hotel costs in the region of £300. Customers have included top celebrities including Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant. Apparently the Barnsley House speciality dish is vincisgrassi maceratsese! The famous gardens are still beautifully maintained.