“H.C. Harding. Ale and Porter Merchant. Green Dragon Brewery, (Near St. John’s Church), Albion Street, Cheltenham. Now supplying ales in casks of nine gallons and upwards, in splendid condition, sent to any part of Cheltenham and neighbourhood. Agent for Joseland & Sons’ celebrated Worcester Ales.
Invalid ale, particularly recommended to nervous sufferers. The water which supplies the establishment is obtained from a deep well sunk on the premises, and being derived from a depth much below the water-bearing strata of the Severn Valley, is singularly pure, and of similar quality (according to analysis) to the famous Burton Water, and being hopped with the finest hops the Weald of Kent produces, combined with malt of the best quality, and having the newest appliances for brewing, the Ales defy all seasons and climates.” (1872)
Firkin Kilderkin Barrel
V Ale 8s. 6d. 17s. 0d. 33s. 0d.
X Ale 10s.0d. 20s. 0d. 40s. 0d.
XX Ale 12s.6d. 25s. 0d. 49s. 0d.
XXX Strong Ale 14s.0d. 28s. 0d. 55s. 0d.
Pale Ale 15s.0d. 30s. 0d. 60s. 0d.

Orders attended to at the shortest notice.”

The Green Dragon Inn was located between Witcomb Place and St. Johns School.

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