‘Messrs Bowly’s Brewery stood on the site of Messrs H. Cole & Co’s Cotswold Mills and the Waterworks Pumping station.
One of the inns, the Salutation, afterwards the Fox, was the house and yard now occupied by Messrs John Smith & Son, and it was closed when Messrs Cripps took over Bowly’s Brewery.’
From the History of Cirencester by Baddeley (published 1924). Cirencester, Past and Present – Old Streets and Houses by W. Scotford Harmer.
I am grateful to Paul Best for the following information:
1839 FAT TOM.
We understand that Mr Bowly has lately had a large Vat erected in his Brewery containing nearly 19,000 gallons. The workmen engaged in it’s erection, and the men about the brewery with numerous friend of the parties regaled themselves in Fat Tom on it’s completion.
Source; Wilts Independent September 1839.
1841 census Edward Bowly.
Dwelling: Parish of St Mary and St Peter Siddington.
Edward Bowly. Age 33. Brewer. Born: In County.
Anne Edith Bowly. Daughter. Age 8. Born: In County.
Edward Bowly. Son. Age 5. Born: In County.
1851 census Edward Bowly.
Dwelling; Siddington.
Edward Bowly. Head. Age 43. Common, Brewer, Maltster & Farmer. Born: Cirencester.
Maria Bowly. Wife. Age 48. Born: Upper Slaughter.
Ann E. Bowly. Daughter. Age 17. Born: Cirencester.
Mary W. Bowly. Daughter. Age 12. Born: Cirencester.
William Bowly. Son. Age 7. Born Siddington.
Edward A. Bowly. Son. Age 5. Born: Siddington.
Frances Whalley. Sister-in-Law. Age 47. Born: Upper Slaughter.
Charlotte Broad. Housekeeper. Age 20. Born: Preston Glos.
Luisa Goodman. Housekeeper. Age 23. Born: Cheltenham.
Rhoda Stewart. Housekeeper. Age 49. Born: Hook Norton.
(Note; the 1851 census has been incorrectly enumerated the family name is Bowly and not Bowley. William Bowly should probably be Wilfred Bowly and Edward A Bowly should be Edward J. Bowly, who went onto to become Commander James E Bowly Royal Navy)
1861 census Edward Bowly.
Dwelling; Siddington.
Edward Bowly. Head. Age 53. Brewer and Banker. Born: Cirencester.
Maria Bowly. Wife. Age 58. Born: Upper Slaughter.
Wilfred Bowly. Son. Age 18. Scholar. Born: Siddington.
Frances Whalley. Sister-in-Law. Age 57. Railway stock. Born: Upper Slaughter.
Sarah Rubben. Servant. Age 33. Cook. Born: Stroud.
Rebecca Rubben. Servant. Age 27. Ladysmaid. Born: Rodborough Stroud.
Jane Smith. Servant. Age 22. Housemaid. Born: Fairford.
1869 Partnership dissolution Edward Bowly and Edward Ernest Bowly.
Notice is hereby give, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between and carried on by us the undersigned, Edward Bowly and Edward Ernest Bowly, at Cirencester, in the county of Gloucester, or elsewhere, as Common Brewers, under the style or firm of E. Bowly and Son, was dissolved this day by mutual consent.
Ewd. Bowly.
Edward Ernest Bowly.
Source; London Gazette issue number 23510 published 25th June 1869.
1871 census Edward Bowly.
Dwelling; Siddington House, Siddington Glos.
Edward Bowly. Head. Age 62. Banker. Born: Cirencester.
Maria Bowly. Wife. Age 68. Bankers Wife. Born: Upper Slaughter.
Wilfred Bowly. Son. Age 27. Common Brewer. Born: Siddington.
Mary Wilkins Slocock. Daughter. Age 31. Clergyman’s Wife. Born: Cirencester.
Mary Blanche Slocock. Grand Daughter. Age 6. Born: Silchester, Hants.
Cecile Sam Slocock. Grand Son. Age 4. Born: Silchester, Hants.
Sarah Fry. Servant. Age 37. Servant. Born: Holcombe Rogers?
Sarah Pearce. Servant. Age 40. Servant. Born: Marlborough.
Anna Willett. Servant. Age 37. Servant. Born: Quenington.
Jane Caudle. Servant. Age 18. Servant. Born: Ampney Crucis.
Possible third marriage of Edward Bowly 1875.
Edward Bowly. Age 66 Widower. Banker. Siddington, Cirencester to Martha Locker. Age 50 Widow.
1881 census Edward Bowly.
Dwelling; The Grove.
Edward Bowly. Head. Age 71. Brewer and Farmer. Born: Cirencester.
Martha Bowly. Wife. Age 55. Born: Millbrook, Hants.
Margaret Dulay. Servant. Age 40. Cook. Born: Wales.
Louisa Seabourne. Servant. Age 29. Housemaid. Born: Kingstanly.
Martha Phipps. Servant. Age 16. Kitchenmaid. Born: Duntisbourne.
1882 Partnership dissolution Edward Bowly and James Ernest Bowly.
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership hitherto subsisting between us the undersigned, Edward Bowly and James Edward Bowly, carrying on business as Brewers and Maltsters at Cirencester, in the county of Gloucester, under the style or firm of Bowly and Son, has been dissolved by mutual consent, as from the 31st day of December 1881. Dated this 2nd day of January 1882.
Edwd Bowly.
J. E. Bowly.
Source; London Gazette issue number 25056 published 6th January 1882.
1882 Probate Edward Bowly.
6th May. The Will of Edward Bowly, late of Siddington House, in the County of Gloucester, Esquire, who died 19th March 1882, at Siddington House was proved at Gloucester by the Reverend Samuel Slocock of Kelvedon Hatch, in the County of Essex and Henry Zachary of Cirencester in the County of Gloucester, Wine Merchant, the Executors.
Personal Estate £11,550.
The Late Mr E. Bowly of Siddington.
The following article on the late Mr Edward Bowly of Siddington, near Cirencester, appears in the current volume of the journal of the Royal Agricultural Society:-
All breeders of shorthorns, all old Cirencester students, all sportsmen who have hunted through Braydon Forest and the Vale of White Horse country, and all frequenters of our great agricultural shows, will have heard with great regret of Mr Edward Bowly’s death. Widely as he was known both in the United Kingdom and in America, he was especially beloved in and around his home. His genial and unaffected manners; straightforward, if somewhat old-fashioned, opinions, and his genuine respect for his “brother farmers” won their esteem and love, so that no man was more respected and liked than he on the Cirencester Market.
Besides his work in Agriculture Mr Bowly was a director of the County of Gloucester Bank, and head of the firm of Bowly and Son, of the Cotteswold Brewery. Mr Bowly was a Tory in his politics, and a Churchman in religion. His family have been established for generations around Cirencester, and is satisfactory to know that Siddington House will still be retained by them, it having become the property of Mr Christopher Bowly, nephew of our deceased friend. In Mr Bowly the Royal Agricultural Society has lost a sound adviser and active coadjutor. It is well to cherish some memory of his appearance and manners. He was tall and very thin, as are most of his family, erect and distinguished in appearance, very courteous, friendly and jocose in his manner, and hearty in his laughter. He was a staunch upholder of the country party, and often avowed a good-tempered dislike for Birmingham and Bright. In his opinion, “farmers were the backbone of the country”. Mr Bowly had long been in failing health, but his death took place rather unexpectedly on March 19th last. He was born in July 1808, and was therefore in the seventy-fourth year of age. He leaved a widow, and two sons and two daughter.
Source; Gloucester Citizen June 1882.
The first general meeting of the shareholder of this company has just been held, Major Chester Master, M.P., presiding. The report of the directors showed that 672 shares, representing a capital of £3,360, had been allotted. The well and two cottages forming part of the late Cotswold Brewery plant, formerly belonging to Messrs Bowly and Son, had been purchased of the present owners, Messrs Cripps and Co., for £720, which remained on mortgage at four per cent. Earl Bathurst had granted a lease for 99 years of land in his Park, above the Barton, for the reservoir, and for the pipe track, at the annual rent of £10. The following contracts had been entered into:- Messrs Cochrane and Co., pipes £1,260; Mr Griffith Griffiths, constructing the reservoir and laying pipes £1,350: Messrs Simpson and Co., pumping engine &c., £492; Mrs Griffith Griffiths, well casing, chimney, engine house &c., £268. The work at the reservoir and pumping station is in hand.
The report was adopted, and retiring directors, Mr Anderson, Mr William Cripps, Major Master, Mr Mullings, Mr Sewell, Mr C. S. Smith, and Mr Zachary, were re-elected.
The scheme, as laid out by Mr J. H. Taunton, C.E., is to acquire the artesian well on the premises of the late Cotswold Brewery, through which the underground river, passing under the own at a depth of some 120 feet, has been reached by boring, to pump the pure and plentiful supply thus obtained into a service reservoir on high ground in Oakley Park, and supply the town with pipes in the usual manner.
Source; Gloucester Citizen December 1882.
1887 Disastrous Fire at Cirencester.
Yesterday (Sunday) morning a fire occurred at Cirencester, attended by considerable loss of property, and on the premises of a tradesman who was only a short time ago visited by a similar calamity. Rather less than twelve months ago Mr James Snowsell, of the Cotswold Association Stores, had the whole of his extensive premises at the G.W.R Station-yard destroyed by fire, including corn stores, flour mill, Otto gas engine, and complete appliances. He then secured a lease of the premises formerly occupied by the Cotswold Brewery, and arranged with the present owners, Messrs Cripps and Co., for the execution of large alterations, including the erection of a steam driven mill, corn stores, and the general adaption of the remises to suit the requirements of his business. The work of alteration has been completed but a few weeks, and yesterday morning the greater part of the premises and their contents were destroyed by fire.
Source; Gloucestershire Citizen February 1887.
Commander James E. Bowly, of Siddington, Warwick New Road, Leamington, late of the Royal Navy, and managing director of Ansell’s Brewery at Aston, Birmingham, met his death in a painful sudden manner at the Great Western Railway Station on Saturday morning. The late officer had entered the 9.50 a.m. train for Bearley, where he was going to join a shooting party. He was apparently in excellent health and spirits, but on rising from his seat in the carriage to open the window fell down and expired almost immediately, the suddenness of his death causing a painful sensation.
The inquest was held at the Board Room, Milverton, on Monday at noon, before Mr Willington Wilmshurst (Coroner for Central Warwickshire)
William Arthur F. Bowly, of Siddington House, Warwick New Road, Leamington, identified the deceased as his father. He was managing director of Ansell’s Aston Brewery, and was formerly a Commander in the Royal Navy. Deceased left on Saturday morning to catch the 9.50 a.m. train for Bearley, where he was going shooting. He had been in his usual good health and had not any illness of late, being last attended buy a doctor for a mere cold. He ate his usual breakfast on Saturday morning, and plenty of time to catch the train. Witness believed a little time ago his father complained of a pain in the chest. Three or four years ago he found he could not walk well after taking tea. He had tea for his breakfast this particular morning. He made a good breakfast; in fact he always did so.
Frederick Ball, engineer, 33 Campion Terrace, Leamington, said on Saturday he was at the Great Western Railway Station to catch the 9.50 a.m. train. Witness got in the compartment in which the deceased was, and sat near him. The late officer was talking to the other passenger, and seemed as bright and happy as usual. Witness noticed nothing peculiar about him. Deceased got up to open the window before the train started, and then sat down on his knees, rolling on to his side just after. Witness called for assistance, and several people came up. Commander Bowly was then removed from the corridor. When he fell he did not strike anything, or give any indication of being in pain.
Thomas Hill, guard on the Great Western Railway, said he was in charge of the train due to leave Leamington at 9. 50 a.m. on Saturday morning. He was called to the compartment in which the captain was, and found him lying in the corridor. Witness assisted in getting him out, and believed he was dead.
P.C. Reynolds said he was called to the Great Western Railway Station about 10.5 a.m. on Saturday morning. Deceased was lying on a stretcher in the station. Witness was informed he had had a fit and died almost immediately on the platform. Witness removed the body to the mortuary, and subsequently to the deceased home.
Dr Otto Wyer stated he was called to see deceased on Saturday morning at the railway station. Commander Bowly had apparently just died. Witness could form no opinion from external examination as to the cause of death. He made a post-mortem examination, in conjunction with Dr Rice, and found the whole of the internal organs overlaid with fat. The stomach, intestines, and outer side of the heart were fatty. The stomach was enlarges and distended with food, and the heart showed signs of fatty degeneration. The cause of death was syncope, or failure of the hearts action brought about by hurrying after a hearty meal.
The Coroner said the case was an exceedingly sad one, by reason of the suddenness of death. This was due, beyond all doubt, to syncope. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.
The Funeral.
The interment of the late Commander Bowly took place at Siddington, near Cirencester, on Thursday, the funeral being largely attended. The officer, who was 53, years of age, and leaves a widow and family, was born at Siddington House, near Cirencester. He was the third and youngest son (by his second wife) of the late Mr Edward Bowly, a well-known Gloucestershire agriculturist and shorthorn breeder. He formerly resided at Perry Bar, Birmingham, and it is only quite recently that he came to Leamington. After leaving service he became associated with Ansell’s Brewery, Aston, and was a Managing Director of that firm, and in the last named parish was well-known.
Source; Leamington Spa Courier September 1899.