D. Perrett (1856,1868) David Perrett (North Nibley), (1863) Henry & A. Perrett (1885)

1850. D. Perrett, Bourn Stream, Wotton under Edge. Slaters Directory.

1863. D. Perrett, Bourn Stream, Wotton under Edge. Post Office Directory.

1870. Perrett Henry & Absalom, Bourne Stream, Wotton under Edge. Kellys Directory

1885. Henry and A. Perrett Bourn stream Brewery, Wotton under Edge. Kellys Directory.

1887 H. & A. Perrett Bournstream Brewery was acquired by Messrs Arnold & Co Brewers of Wickwar.

David Perrett, Bournstream Brewery, Gloucestershire.

1841 Census.

Dwelling; Bournstream, Wotton under Edge.David Perrett. Head. Age 30. Brewer.

Elizabeth Perrett. Wife. Age 25.

John Perrett. Son. Age 7.
James Perrett. Son. Age 14.

Charlotte Perrett. Daughter. Age 3.

Henry Perrett. Son. Age 2.

Absalom Perret. Son. 9 months old.

1851 Census.

Dwelling; Bournstream, Wotton under Edge.

David Perrett. Head. Age 40. Brewer and Maltster, employing 8 men 1 boy.

Elizabeth Perrett. Wife. Age 35.

John Perrett. Son. Age 17.

James Mason Perrett. Son. Age 15.

Charlotte Mason Perrett. Daughter. Age 14. Scholar.

Absalom Perrett. Son Age 10. Scholar.

David Perrett. Son. Age 8. Scholar.

Elizabeth Perrett. Daughter. Age 5. Scholar.

Jesse Perrett. Daughter. Age 1.

Mary Jones. Servant. Age? . General Servant.

Interesting note; James Mason Perrett can be located on the 1881 census as a Brewer in Somerset, by 1884 James had acquired Hill House Brewery, Old Sodbury, where he traded from for many years. Please see Hill House Brewery. 

1861 Census.

Dwelling; Bournstream Brewery, Wotton under Edge.

David Perrett. Head. Age 50. Common Brewer 7 Maltster, Farmer of 67 acres employing 12 men 1 boy.

Elizabeth Perrett. Wife. Age 45.
Henry Perrett. Son. Age 23. Farmers Son.
Charlotte Perrett. Daughter. Age 25.
Absalom Perrett. Son. Age 20. Farmers Son.
David Perrett. Son. Age 18. Farmers Son.

I have not been able to locate David Perrett’s census record for the year 1871, David’s Probate record suggest that he died in 1875, however, this look’s to an incorrect year of death. As his Wife, Elizabeth Perrett, is recorded as being a Brewers Widow on the 1871 census. It appears that David Perrett’s estate was left to his Wife, to broken up after her death. Indeed her Son James Mason Perrett was the executor.

1871 Census Elizabeth Perrett, Wife of David Perrett.

Dwelling; North Nibley Brewery.

Elizabeth Perrett. Head. Age? Brewers Widow.

Absolam Perrett. Son. Age 30. Common Brewer.

Elizabeth Perrett. Daughter. Age 24.

Elizabeth Perrett Deceased. Probate.

The Will of Elizabeth Perrett, late of the Parish of North Nibley in the County of Gloucester, Widow, who died 28th September 1875 at North Nibley was proved at Gloucester by James Mason Perrett of Wedmore in the County of Somerset, Brewer, the Son of the Executor according to Tenure.

Effects under £2,000.

David Perrett Deceased. Probate.

The Will of David Perrett late of Haw Street, Wotton under Edge in the County of Gloucester, Brewer, Maltster and Licensed Victualler who died 20th December 1875 at Haw Street was proved at Gloucester by John Richings the Younger of Long Street, Wotton under Edge Butcher and Benjamin Simmons of the Culverhay, Wotton under Edge Surgeon. The Executors.

Effects under £3,000. Resworn August 1877 under £4,000. 




Messrs Tayler and Gerrish are instructed by the Trustees of the Will of Mr David Perrett, late of Bournstream, near Wotton under Edge, Common Brewer and Maltster, deceased, to SELL by AUCTION, at the WHITE LION INN, WOTTON UNDER EDGE, on MONDAY June 26th, 1876 at Five for Six o’clock precisely (subject to such conditions of sale as will then be produced, and which may be inspected at the Office of the Vendors’ Solicitor, Mr F. F. Ayre, at Wotton under Edge, three days previous to the Sale, and in the following or such other Lots as may be determined upon at the time of Sale)

The undermentioned PROPERTY, viz:


LOT 1. All that Old Established and Full Licensed INN or Public House, called the WHITE LION, situate in the principle street at Wotton under Edge aforesaid, together with Brew-houses, Cellars, Stables, Coach-houses, now in the occupation of Mr Henry Penton. Also, all that large, well-built, modern 30 Quarter MALT-HOUSE, situate at the back of the last described Premises, and in the occupation of Messrs Henry and Absalom Perrett.
LOT 2. All that COTTAGE and Garden adjoining the Salutation Inn, described in Lot 3, now in the occupation of Henery Organ.

LOT 3. All that newly built and fully licensed INN or Public House, called the SALUTATION, situate in COMBE ROAD, together with the Shop and large Garden adjoining thereto, containing in the whole 25 Perches (more or less) and now in the occupation of Mr Nathanael Howell.

LOT 4. All that substantially stone built COTTAGE or Tenement (being No 1 WELLINGTON BUILDINGS, BRADLEY ROAD) with small Garden at the back thereof, now in the occupation of Edward Burehell.

LOT 5. All that substantially stone-built COTTAGE or Tenement (being No 2 WELLINGTON BUILDINGS aforesaid) with small Garden at the back thereof, now in the occupation of James Godsell.

LOT 6. All that substantially stone-built COTTAGE or Tenement (being No 3 WELLINGTON BUILDINGS aforesaid) with small Garden at the back thereof, now in the occupation of William Vowles.

LOT 7.  All that substantially stone-built COTTAGE or Tenement (being No 4 WELLINGTON BUILDINGS aforesaid) with small Garden at the back thereof, now in the occupation of Joseph Roberts

There is an abundant supply of soft water for the use of the tenants of lots 4,5,6,7.

LOT 8. All that close of productive PASTURE LAND called Quarry Leaze, situate at or near BRADLEY, numbered 1122 on the Tithe Commutation Map, and containing 4A 0R 31P (more or less) and now in the occupation of Messrs Henry and Absalom Perrett.
LOT 9. All that close of excellent PASTURE LAND, with the Cottage and Garden, or some part thereof, situate at or near BRADLEY, and containing 4A 2R 23P (more or less) and now or formerly known as The Quarry Garden, Grindly Bank, and 1123 on the said Map, and now in the occupation of Messrs H. and A. Perrett.


LOT 10. All hat Piece of ARABLE LAND, called Bedminster Acre, containing 2R 38P (more or less) situate on the highway leading from Wotton under Edge to Nibley, numbered 607 on the Tithe Connotation Map for the said parish, in the occupation of Messrs H. and A. Perrett.

LOT 11. All that Piece of ARABLE LAND, called Lucy’s Acre, containing 1A 2R (more or less) adjoining the last Lot and numbered 668 on the said Map, and in the occupation of the same Tenants.

LOT 12. All that MESSUAGE or Dwelling House, with the BREWERY, MALTHOUSE, CELLARS, Greenhouses, Barn, Outbuildings and Garden Also all the SHRUBBERY, and all that Close of LAND or Orchard adjoining thereto; and all that GARDEN and ORCHARDS, with Stables, Coach-house, Cattle Shed, and Buildings on the opposite side of the road, the whole being situate at PITCOURT, containing 1A 0R 30P (more or less) and numbered 870,871,872,869 and 748 on the said Map and lately in the occupation of Mrs Elizabeth Perrett, deceased.

LOT 13. All that substantially built DWELLING HOUSE with Tool-house, Stables, Outbuildings, and large Garden belonging, thereto, situate near the bottom of BREAKHEART HILL; also all that ORCHARD adjoining thereto, and all that Piece of ARABLE LAND called the Park adjoining the said Orchard, containing 4A 1R 34P (more or less) and numbered 842,843,844,845,846,847, 841 AND 840 on the Map, and is in the occupation of James Avery.

LOT 14. All that close of ARABLE LAND, called Scratch, with the Heystall of Wood and Woodland Ground containing in the whole 3R 30P (more or less) and in the tenure or occupation of James Avery.

LOT 16. All that well known INN or Public House, called the BLACK HORSE, situate at NORTH NIBLEY, together with the Cellarage adjoining and the Court Yards, Gardens and out buildings belonging thereto, and in the occupation of Albert Lewton.

LOTS 16 – LOT 20 Land.


LOT 21. All that INN or Public House known as the BLACK HORSE, situate in SALTER STREET, BERKELEY, together with the Yard, Stable, Out-buildings belonging thereto, in the occupation of Robert Reynolds.

Particulars and Plans may be obtained of the auctioneers at their Offices, Chipping Sodbury.

Mr Frederick F. Ayre.

The Vendors Solicitor,

Wotton under Edge.

Messrs Tayler and Gerrish are instructed by the Trustees of the Will of Mr David Perrett, late of Bournstream, near Wotton under Edge, Common Brewer and Maltster, deceased, to SELL by AUCTION, at the NEW INN, WICKWAR, on TUESDAY June 27th, 1876 at Five for Six o’clock precisely (subject to such conditions of sale as will then be produced, and which may be inspected at the Office of the Vendors’ Solicitor, Mr F. F. Ayre, at Wotton under Edge, three days previous to the Sale, and in the following or such other Lots as may be determined upon at the time of Sale)

The undermentioned PROPERTY, viz:

IN THE PARISH OF WICKWAR AND HAWKESBURY.(Note; I have omitted Lots containing just land)

LOT 1. All that old-established and Full Licensed INN or Public House, called the NEW INN, with the Yard, Garden, Orchard, Mill-house, Stables and Out-buildings, adjoining and belonging thereto.

LOT’S 2-5 Land.

LOT 5. All that MESSUAGE or PUBLIC HOUSE called the WHITE HORSE, with Garden, Stable and Brew-house and Out-buildings adjoining thereto, situate at UPTON, in the above Parish.

Particulars and Plans may be obtained of the auctioneers at their Offices, Chipping Sodbury.

Mr Frederick F. Ayre.

The Vendors Solicitor,

Wotton under Edge.

Source; Bristol Mercury 17th June 1876.

1871 Census Absolam Perrett, Son of David Perrett.

Dwelling; North Nibley Brewery.

Elizabeth Perrett. Head. Age? Brewers Widow.

Absolam Perrett. Son. Age 30. Common Brewer.

Elizabeth Perrett. Daughter. Age 24.

1881 Census Absolam Perrett, son of David Perrett.

Absolam Perrett. Head. Age 40. Brewer and Farmer.

Eleanor Amelia Perrett.Wife. Age 28.

Mary Jane Holloway. Servant. Age 21. Domestic Servant.

1891 Census. Absolam Perrett, Son of David Perrett.

Lodging at 35 Norfolk Street, Westminster, London.

Absolam Perrett. Age 50. Retired Brewer.

1871 Census HENRY PERRETT, Son of David Perrett. 

Note; Whole family incorrectly recorded by enumerator as Nerrett.

Dwelling; Nibley Road.

Henry Perrett.Head. Age 32. Brewer, Maltster and Farmer. Employing 24 men & 2 boys.

Mary L. Perrett. Wife. Age 23.

Elizabeth M. Perrett. Daughter. Age 1.

Grace E. Perrett. Daughter. 3 months old.

Eliza Barton Servant. Age 22. General Domestic Servant.

Fanny Barton. Servant. Age 14. Nurse.

Alma Turner. Servant. Age 15. Nurse.

1881 Census Henry Perrett. 

Note; Whole family incorrectly recorded by enumerator as Porrett.

Dwelling; Bournstream, Wotton under Edge.

Henry Perrett. Head. Age 42. Brewer & Maltster, employing 23 men.

Mary L. Perrett. Wife. Age 33.

Elizabeth M. Perrett. Daughter. Age 11.

Grace E. Perrett. Daughter. Age 10.

Gertrude. R. Perrett. Daughter. Age 9.

Margaret Perrett. Daughter. Age 7.

Emilie M. L. Perrett. Daughter Age 6.

George H. Perrett. Son. Age 4.

Jane M. Howell. Lodger. Age 33. Governess

Elizabeth Owen. Servant. Age 16. Domestic Servant.

1891 Census. Henry Perrett.

Dwelling; Bournstream, Wotton under Edge.

Henry Perrett. Head. Age 52. Retired Brewer.

In 1887 Messrs H. &  A. Perrett’s Bournstream Brewery was acquired by Messrs Arnold & Co of Wickwar to trade as Arnold, Perrett and Company Limited.

Arnold and Company, Wickwar, to Acquire the business of Bournstream Brewery, Wotton under Edge.

The prospectus is issued of Arnold and Co., Wickwar Brewery, Gloucestershire, with a share capital of £100,000 in 10,000 shares of £10 each. Amount of first issue 3,500 shares. £35,000 all paid up, and subscriptions are now invited for an issue of £60,000 4and 1/2 per cent. Mortgage Debentures, and a further issue of 4,000 £10 shares, the last named being made for the purpose of acquiring the brewery and malting business of Messrs H. and A. Perrett, at Bournstream Brewery, Wotton-under-Edge, and of amalgamating the same with that of the company. The value of the properties owned by the company (including those acquired from Messrs H. and A. Perrett) is about £90,000, and upon the freeholds belong to the company directors have hitherto raised the mortgage capital which has been required. They have now resolved to issue £60,000 £4 10 shilling per cent, Debenture Stock, to be secured through trustees in the usual way, by a first charge upon the whole of the real property and general assets of the company.

Source; Morning Post 11th July 1887.

ARNOLD AND CO. LIMITED — The annual report of Arnold and Co., Limited, just issued, shows a highly satisfactory return upon the trading of the past twelve month. After providing for interest upon mortgages up to 30th of September, and for a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, free of income tax, a balance of £3,028 9 shillings and 6 pence remains at the credit of the net revenue account. Of this sum £730 18 shillings and 11 pence will be placed to reserve account, and £221 13 shillings and 8 pence carried forward. During the year £14, 125 have been expended in the purchase of hotel and public house properties. The incorporation of the business of Messrs H. and A. Perrett, of Bournstream Brewery, Wotton under Edge, with the company has been concluded, and the directors consider that this step will lead to a material increase of trade.

Source; Gloucester Citizen 30th November 1887.

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