Registered in 1865 to acquire the business of the late Thomas Baynton.

Name changed to Hardwick & Co. Ltd 1868 and back to the original title 1883.

Acquired by Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Ltd. in 1931 and was closed.

Tied Houses in Gloucestershire:

Corbet Arms, Parish of St. George, Bristol

Green Dragon, Badminton Road, Downend, Bristol (1891 leased, 1903 owned)

North Star, 14 Morley Street, St. George, Bristol (1891)

Prince of Wales, Parish of Horfield, Bristol (1891)

Prince of Wales, Dean Lane, St. George, Bristol (1891)

Royal Hotel, Shirehampton (leased 1891)

Ship Inn, Jefferies Bottom, St. George, Bristol (1891,1903)

Star Inn, Parish of Kingswood, Bristol (1891,1903)

Steam Hammer Inn, Parish of St. George, Bristol (1891)

Wellington Hotel, Horfield, Bristol (leased 1891, owned 1903)

Who’d Thought It, Parish of St. George, Bristol (1891)

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