Hatton’s were acquired by Ind Coope Ltd, Burton on Trent in 1896.

Advertisement in Gloucester Journal January 1870:

Northgate Brewery. Hattons Celebrated Stout at 1s.2d and 1s.4d per gallon. In any size cask, from five gallons upwards. This stout is strongly recommended by Medical Gentlemen for its strengthening and invigorating properties, and is pronounced equal to the Dublin which is sold at much higher prices.

I am grateful to Paul Best for supplying the following information: 

1882 For Sale.
No 12 Central Fire Breechloading Gun, Damascus barrels, walnut stock, mahogany case &c., a bargain. Arthur Karn, Northgate Brewery, Gloucester.
Source ; Gloucester Citizen September 2nd 1882.

1887 To Let;
No 2 Alexandra Terrace, Denmark Road, Gloucester. Apply Arthur Karn, Northgate Brewery, Gloucester.
Source; Gloucester Citizen September 29th 1887.

1888 Barm.
Fresh Barm for sale 1s 6d per gallon. Hatton & Co., Northgate Brewery, Gloucester.
Source; Gloucester Citizen April 17th 1888.

1889 Wanted.
Young Man, to Milk two Cows, and make himself generally useful ; must have good character. Apply A. V. Hatton, Northgate Brewery, Gloucester.
Source; Gloucester Citizen February 23rd 1889.

1891 Wanted.
Strong, active young Man Wanted, to Work in Malthouse ; one from country preferred. Hatton, Northgate Brewery, Gloucester.
Source; Gloucester Citizen January 29th 1891.

1891 Wanted.
Cellarman wanted at once, also a Man to wash casks and assist in brewery; must have good characters. Apply Hatton, Northgate Brewery, Gloucester.
Source; Gloucester Citizen March 4th 1891.

1891 Wanted.
Traveller Wanted., young Man, with good address, to Solicit Orders in Gloucester and neighbourhood; reference and security required. Apply, personally to Hatton & Co., Northgate Brewery, Gloucester.
Source; Gloucester Citizen July 4th 1891.

1891 Wanted.
At once a good General Servant. Apply Mrs Karn, Northgate Brewery, Gloucester.

Source; Gloucester Citizen November 9th 1891.

1891 Christmas Cheer.
Nine gallons of pure Beer, brewed from malt and hops only, 7s net cash ; equal to that usually sold by Agents and Grocers at 9s – Hatton & Co., Northgate Brewery, Gloucester.
Source; Gloucester Citizen December 28th 1891.

1894 To Builders.
BUILDERS DESIROUS OF TENDERING for certain ALTERATIONS proposed to be carried out at the NAG’S HEAD INN, NEWENT, for Messrs Hatton and Co., can see copies of the Drawings and Specifications at the Office of the Architect, Walter B. Wood, 12 Queen Street, Gloucester, and also at the Nag’s Head, Newent, on and after Saturday, February 10th, between the hours of 10 and 5.
The Tenders to be sent to Messrs Hatton and Co., Northgate Brewery, Gloucester on or before Monday, February 19th, sealed up and endorsed “Tenders for alterations at the Nag’s Head, Newent”. Messrs Hatton and Co. do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest or any tender.
Source; Gloucester Citizen February 14th February 1894.

1894 LOST, from Hucclecote, Thursday, 20th inst., Fox Terrier Dog, white body, lemon and white head ; owner’s name on collar ; answers name Trimmer. Finder suitably rewarded on returning same to Northgate Brewery Gloucester. Anyone found detaining same after this notice will be prosecuted.
Source; Gloucester Citizen September 24th 1894.

1871 census Arthur V. Hatton.
Dwelling; 2 George Street, Gloucester.
Arthur Vincent Hatton. Head. Age 27. Common Brewer & Hop Merchant. Born; Eldersfield, Worcestershire.

1881 census Arthur V. Hatton.
Dwelling; 2 George Street, Gloucester.
Arthur Vincent Hatton. Head. Age 37. Brewer & Maltster Employing 8 Men. Born; Eldersfield, Worcestershire.
Emily Payne. Servant. Age 36. Housekeeper Domestic. Born; Oxfordshire.

1891 census Arthur V. Hatton.
Dwelling; 1 Kingsholme Road, Gloucester.
Arthur V. Hatton. Head. Age 47. Brewer & Maltster. Born; Eldersfield, Worcestershire.
Emily Hatton. Wife. Age 46. Born; Witney, Oxon.
Mary Hatton. Daughter. Age 13. Scholar. Born; Gloucestershire.
Catherine E. Hatton. Daughter. Age 10 Scholar. Born; Gloucestershire.
Alice Hill. Servant. Age 19. General Servant. Born; Eldersfield, Worcestershire.

1901 census Arthur V. Hatton.
Dwelling; Cheltenham Road, Gloucester.
Arthur V. Hatton. Head. Age 57. Maltster Employer. Born;Eldersfield, Worcestershire.
Emily Hatton. Wife. Age 56. Born; Witney, Oxon.
Mary Hatton. Daughter. Age 23. Scholar. Born; Gloucestershire.
Catherine E. Hatton. Daughter. Age 20 Scholar. Born; Gloucestershire.
Sarah Barnes. Servant. Age 25. General Domestic. Born; Taunton, Somerset.

1911 Probate Arthur Vincent Hatton.
Of  Westwood, Denmark Road, Gloucester, died 18th February 1911. Probate London, 9th March to Albert Bernard Clutterbuck, treasurer, and William Hawkley, Accountant. Effects £6401 11s 1d.
Source; National Probate Calendar. 

Tied Houses

Horse and Groom, 12 London Road, Gloucester (occupier in 1885)

Plough Inn, Culver Street, Newent (1891)

Royal Exchange, Hartpury (1891)

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